10 Best Actor Replacements On TV Shows

3. Robert Llewellyn Replaced David Ross - Red Dwarf

Parks and Recreation Chris Ben

When Red Dwarf's iconic service droid Krysten was first introduced in the legendary sitcom's second series, he was originally intended to be a one-off character as played by David Ross.

But Kryten's popularity led creators Rob Grant and Doug Naylor to bring the character back as a mainstay member of the Red Dwarf crew in series three, and with scheduling conflicts preventing Ross' return, he was swapped out for Robert Llewellyn.

And Kryten more-or-less felt like a totally different character in Llewellyn's hands - less snippy and instead more goofy and earnest, as made him such a brilliant contrast to the likes of Lister (Craig Charles) and Rimmer (Chris Barrie).

This isn't to disparage Ross' performance in his single episode whatsoever - his work was perfect for that single outing, but long-term it absolutely made sense to replace him with an actor whose personality better suited a Kryten who would be sticking around.

Ross' Red Dwarf tenure didn't quite end there, though - he also provided the voice for Talkie Toaster in the show's fourth and twelfth seasons.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.