10 Best American Dad! Characters Only In One Episode

8. Joanna

American Dad Cee Lo Green

'When Stan Loves a Woman' tells the audience beyond a shadow of a doubt that Francine Smith has most certainly been around.

When she takes Stan to her 'sex garden', which contains acres and acres of bushes representing each of the sexual partners she had before getting married, Stan, understandably, begins to feel rather insecure. Francine insists that none of it meant anything without love, and to allow Stan to understand this, she legally divorces him just so he can spend the night with another woman.

After a few failed dates, Stan vents his frustration in the shooting range, where he meets Joanna, a woman who appears to challenge him on every level. And, inevitably, instead of just sleeping with her like Francine wanted, he ends up falling for her - so much so that they get married the very next day.

Francine, having second thoughts, races to their honeymoon suite to stop them from doing the deed. Though she can't find them and reluctantly gives up, Stan meets her in the hotel bar, having realised that he didn't really love Joanna after all. And it only took five rounds of love making for him to arrive at that conclusion.

Yep, as a couple's therapy exercise, this one definitely did NOT pay off for Francine. The final nail in the coffin is that Joanna then wins most of the Smiths' possessions in the divorce.

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.