10 Best Battles In Star Trek's History

1. The Charge Of The Light Brigade - Star Trek: DS9

Star Trek Generations Enterprise D Destruction

Season 6, Episode 6 - Sacrifice of Angels

Cannon to right of them, cannon to left of them, cannon in front of them volleyed and thundered. Stormed at with shot and shell, boldly they rode and well, into the jaws of Death, into the mouth of hell rode the six hundred.

Now far be it from me to liken a spaceship battle on a sci-fi show to the poetic musings of Alfred Tennyson, but the writers of Deep Space Nine deliberately echoed the eponymous Charge of the Light Brigade during the Crimean War. A seemingly hopeless situation, that while etched into history and legend, did not have a heroic outcome.

Desperately needing to reach Deep Space Nine before the wormhole's minefield could be taken down, Benjamin Sisko was forced to take on the Dominion blockade with the Federation forces outnumbered two to one. Where the show had, until this point, only really shown combat from the station, this was Star Trek's first large-scale battle between two fleets of inumerable scale.

Put simply, Star Trek had never done anything like this before.

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