10 Best Beards In The Walking Dead

6. Morgan

Morgan is a well trained fighter, yet he refuses to take any human life even if they are hostile towards him and other members of the group. His calm and rather zen interior is a brash contrast to his previous 'serial killer' mode in which he killed anyone who got in his way. That included both walkers and innocent survivors. Perhaps his rugged exterior is a reflection of his murderous past and portrays his experience in the ways of this new world. He is a strong member of the group, both physically and mentally and his beard sort of gives him a bit of an edge. Despite the fact that he is currently in a place of redemption because of his former actions, he's still a fighter and his rough exterior may influence the brutality of his past. If anything, his well trimmed beard shouts "I am calm, I am collected but I ain't no killer."

Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com