10 Best Buffy The Vampire Slayer Characters

1. Spike

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Spike Buffy
Mutant Enemy

It’s ironic that the best character in the show was meant to be killed off after just one season. Thankfully, Whedon changed his mind and went on to create an outstanding character arc helped along by a flawless performance from James Marsters.

Spike first strolls onto the show in Season 2 as a confident yet sadistic vampire. Having previously defeated two Slayers, he’s a frightening adversary for Buffy and the gang. But even in Season 2, there’s more to him than his bloody reputation. He even teams up with the Scoobies during the finale and helps them save the world.

Spike returns as a regular cast member in the fourth season, and from this point onwards, his arc becomes more and more interesting. Sure, he’s still self-centred and mean-spirited a lot of the time, but he also develops a fondness for the Scooby Gang. He even indulges in a lustful relationship with Buffy during the penultimate season. And after regaining his soul, he becomes the hero he was always destined to be by sacrificing himself during the final episode of the show.

There’s plenty of great backstory as well. ‘Fool For Love’ and ‘Lies My Parents Told Me’ offer a fascinating look into Spike’s past as he morphs from the failed poet William the Bloody into a vicious vampire.

In many ways, Spike represents why Buffy the Vampire Slayer is so popular. Sometimes he’s funny and charming. Sometimes he’s evil and terrifying. But above all, he never fails to be entertaining.

Who’s your favourite Buffy the Vampire Slayer character? Leave your thoughts below in the comments thread.

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