10 BEST Celebrity Cameos In Friends

9. Alec Baldwin

Alec Baldwin Friends

Alec Baldwin appeared in two episodes in season 8 as Parker, Phoebe's over-excited boyfriend.

From an A-list name like Baldwin, you'd expect an impressive performance, and he certainly delivers. He's a little irritating from the off, and as his appearance goes on, he becomes both funnier and more grating.

With his unflinchingly upbeat praise of every tiny detail of the world around him, and his child-like excitement about the most trivial of things, Parker is one of those characters that manages to leave us wishing he had had more screen-time, but at the same time letting out a sigh of relief that he was gone.

Parker proves to be too strange even for Phoebe, and she dumps him, but not before he excitedly exclaims that their argument was "the best argument he'd ever had".

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Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.