10 Best Comedy TV Shows On Netflix Right Now

2. The Good Place

The End Of The Netflix

If philosophy and comedy are a mix that you always wished you'd see more often then you're in luck because The Good Place is all on Netflix! And it's so much better than I just made it sound. The Good Place takes the concept of what happens after we die and spins it into one of the best comedy offerings Netflix has.

The concept centres around a points system that decides where we end up after we've croaked and features all manner of twists and turns that spawn from that idea. Poignant and hilarious in equal measure, The Good Place is a genuine highlight in two of its stars pretty stellar careers in Kristen Bell and Ted Danson- and that is saying something.

The narrative takes all sorts of turns at the most unexpected points and always for the better of the show. It is a show which consistently one ups itself and does so with amazing success. Mercifully The Good Place was deservedly allowed end on its own terms and it was done perfectly. But you can find that out for yourself when you definitely binge it all on Netflix as soon as you can.

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Writer/Editor/Director/Film-Maker/Frequenter of Childish Gambino’s Spotify Page- basically a perpetual procrastinator who never finishes anyt.... Got this Twitter thing goin' @ByrnAfterReadin