10 Best Final Lines In Star Trek Episodes

4. "Just Give It Some… Thought."

Star Trek Best of Both Worlds

Captain Janeway’s deliciously sardonic eff-you to the now not-quite-so-cocksure Kurros of the Think Tank comes at the very end of the Voyager episode with the same name. Kurros appears on the bridge in isomorphic form to make one last desperate plea to Seven of Nine to join his crew, but Janeway reminds him that "a good guest knows when he’s outstayed his welcome".

Clearly in trouble, his holographic form falters (not in that 'we’re-reminding-you-for-no-reason-this-is-a-hologram' way), and Janeway delivers her verbal coup de grâce. Voyager then warps away as the Hazari vessels continue their triumphant attack; they have all out-thought the Think Tank.

The line is a perfect piece of writing that adeptly concludes what is an excellent episode, full of twists and turns, strong characters, and underscored with some enjoyable camp comedy. Kate Mulgrew as Janeway plays against Jason Alexander, of Seinfeld fame, who gives us a great performance as the conniving Kurros. Mulgrew delivers Janeway’s death knell barb with a brilliant touch of rising intonation and a wry smile.

Jason Alexander is also an unabashed mega-fan of Star Trek and has stated that part of the reason he became an actor was "because of [watching] William Shatner as James Tiberius Kirk". He had always wanted to appear on the show, but as an alien, not a human. When just that opportunity arose for the episode of Voyager, he even brought his children to set to see him, adding that he was "thrilled" with the episode.

Sheer lunacy!

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.