10 Best Futurama Guest Stars (Who Played Themselves)

7. Penn Jillette

Futurama Leonard Nimoy
20th Television

After the show was originally cancelled after season four, it returned with four straight to DVD movies, the final of which was Into the Wild Green Yonder. While in Mars Vegas, a trip courtesy of Amy Wong's dad, Bender and Fry participate in a poker tournament, for which the commentators were Penn and Teller.

Though he has dabbled in acting on a couple of occasions in the past, Penn is of course most notably known for his magician act in Las Vegas with his silent partner, Teller. In Futurama however, though still attached to some iteration of Vegas, there was no magic.

Keeping up their act, Teller didn’t speak at all since his death, but Penn is funny enough for both of them.

Though only in one scene, the magician makes a great impact, thanks to his instantly recognisable voice, and head too big to fit in the jar properly, joking about the only people watching were pets whose owners feel asleep with the TV on.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.