10 Best Game of Thrones Adaptation Choices

6. The Baratheon B**tard Massacre

Robert's Sons With this sequence, an almost throwaway plot point becomes something powerful. Originally, Cersei was the one who ordered the death of a single infant, the last of Robert€™s illegitimate children in King€™s Landing. This serves the purpose of giving Tyrion even more of a reason to stick it to Janos Slynt (the first of course being Slynt€™s betrayal of Ned Stark). Also, it vaguely indicates that soldiers will probably be in pursuit of Gendry, the Baratheon b**tard that accompanied Arya to the wall. In season two€™s first episode, the elimination of Robert€™s true heirs becomes far more explicit, including some serious baby-stabbing. Because we see what is happening to the Baratheon b**tards, Gendry€™s jeopardy is much richer. Also, by making it Joffrey that gave the order instead of Cersei, the Joffrey/Tyrion conflict is further fueled.

Based in Chicago, Christopher Tucker does what he can to bring a little fun into the world through writing, videos and board games. More of his machinations can be discovered over at Tuckertronik.com. He feels confident that the entirety of his life will be broken into two segments: prior to the finale of Breaking Bad and post Breaking Bad.