10 Best Hannibal Episodes
1. Mizumono
Is this the most dark, desolate and strangely beautiful piece of television ever?
The culmination of two seasons worth of deceit, manipulation and countless twists and turns, Mizumono is the final episode of series two of the show and revolves around the net closing in on Hannibal, and which side of the fence his manipulation will land Will on.
From start to finish, the episode is an absolute masterpiece in direction, effects and performance. Everyone is on top form, but obviously the standout moment comes during the finale at Hannibal's house. Tipped by Will, Hannibal is prepared for Jack's arrival and the two engage in a bloody fight that had been teased in trailers and episodes leading up to this point.
Alana then turns up and, after a pretty tragic standoff with Hannibal, is pushed out of a window by Abigail, who Will had supposedly killed at the end of season one. Will then arrives in the house and is again tragically stabbed by his old friend before being forced to watch him move onto slashing Abigail's neck in front of him.
And that's how the episode ends. All four of the truly good main characters lying in puddles of their own blood with Hannibal walking off into the metaphorical sunset as a free man.