10 Best Minor Seinfeld Characters

1. The Bubble Boy

Seinfeld Timmy

Seinfeld had many great characters that only appeared once, though none of them can beat The Bubble boy. Another character who, alright, technically appeared twice because of the finale but we're going to ignore that because of just how tremendous his one true appearance was.

Jerry is approached by the father of a fan at Tom's and asked to meet with his son who has lived most of his life in a plastic bubble (that isn't really a bubble) due to a condition. Jerry, who is already heading upstate for the weekend anyway, agrees but gets lost when George's driving leaves him behind, not knowing where The Bubble Boy lives.

George doesn't know that Jerry doesn't have the address and arrives at The Bubble Boy's house where he and Susan decide to wait for Jerry.

Well, it turns out that The Bubble Boy is an obnoxious and aggressive teenager who spends all his time insulting people. So, when he and George sit to play a game of trivial pursuit and George purposely winds him up by claiming that he got an answer to a question wrong when it was right, violence breaks out, and George ends up being strangled by The Bubble Boy. At which point, George punctures the plastic and causes the whole town to go looking for him as 'the guy who hurt The Bubble Boy'.

The great thing about The Bubble Boy is that we never see his face, just his voice and arms. Which is more than enough to make you laugh riotously for hours. The projected mental image of The Bubble Boy vs the real thing is one of the finest moments in the history of Seinfeld.

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Matt N hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.