10 Best Moments In Netflix's Arcane

5. Vi And Sevika's Bar Fight

League Of Legends Arcane Netflix

This list has talked about plenty of things so far, but one aspect of the show that has been absent up until this point is a spot of good old fashioned fighting. But, fear not bar brawl lovers, that is about to change dramatically.

Vi and Sevika had gone mano a mano before, but this was something else entirely. Seeing a fully stocked up Vi with her Hextech Power Gloves up against Sevika's Shimmer infused mechanical arm was incredible, as the two took shots at each other with inhuman amounts of force.

The visuals here were stunning, and the fight was even littered with small moments to make it feel more real, with one highlight being when the two take a break and psych themselves up before going full pelt at each other again.

As if the banging action wasn't good enough already, you're even treated to a return from the beloved Vander, as Vi gets some words of wisdom from an apparition of her late father figure. This - followed by her triumphant victory - was the cherry on top of this moment.


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