10 Best Musical Numbers In Steven Universe
4. Full Disclosure
This is an early example of one of the more dramatic songs, from the episode of the same title, "Full Disclosure". Here Steven is in an emotional crisis because he doesn't want to put his friend in danger.
Following his first big fight with gems from home world and the danger they brought to Beach City, Steven realises for the first time that people around him might get hurt. In the song he agonises about the perceived need to cut ties with his best friend (and crush), Connie for her own protection.
It's a really sweet song, and the way it incorporates the ring tone as Connie tries to call him is both clever and dramatic. The sequence makes good use of wide shots showing the damaged town, the intimate moments in his phone pictures and the craziness of the flashbacks to convey Steven's emotions as he decides to do the manly thing and keep Connie safe by pushing her away.