10 Best New TV Shows Nobody Is Watching

You need to stop sleeping on these 2024 TV shows.

2024 TV Shows Nobody Is Watching The Sympathizer
Warner Bros.

The Golden Age of TV - or "Peak TV," as the kids are calling it nowadays - has given us all a massive embarrassment of riches, where there's simply not enough time in a day to watch every awesome-looking series you might come across.

But the double-edged sword of this content avalanche is that it becomes incredibly easy for even superbly crafted TV shows to end up slipping through the cracks, as has most certainly been the case with these 10 terrific new TV series.

For one reason or another, each has endured low ratings and a shocking lack of online chatter, no matter that each scored strong reviews from critics and, well, those general viewers who actually watched them.

In some cases, these shows clearly took artistic gambles which were primed to turn less-adventurous audiences off, but in other instances, it's tough to make sense of the ratings catastrophes. 

While many of these shows are at least limited series or miniseries events that didn't have a long-term story on their mind, for those that were courting renewal, things are looking a bit grim to say the least...

10. Ripley

2024 TV Shows Nobody Is Watching The Sympathizer

Netflix's lavish, Andrew Scott-starring adaptation of Patricia Highsmith's classic thriller novel The Talented Mr. Ripley is a sumptuous monochromatic feast of a limited series, with Scott giving arguably the finest screen rendition of psychopath Tom Ripley to date.

Despite the series scoring strong reviews for Scott's performance, supporting turns by Johnny Flynn and Dakota Fanning, the gorgeous cinematography, and taut writing, Ripley debuted at just the #6 spot during its first full week on release, and scored the worst opening for a Netflix limited series released on a Thursday.

That's pretty damning for an adaptation of a beloved novel starring an extremely popular on-the-rise actor. 

It's been quite persuasively speculated that showrunner Steven Zaillian's decision to shoot the series in black-and-white placed a low ceiling on its viewership, given the unfortunate, even frustrating penchant for many modern viewers to shy away from monochrome media.

But the closed-minded many have only deprived themselves of one of the most deliciously-shot, impeccably acted shows of the year so far. What a shame.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.