10 Best New TV Shows Nobody Is Watching

8. Under The Bridge

2024 TV Shows Nobody Is Watching The Sympathizer

Hulu's Under the Bridge boasted a compelling hook from the jump - a true crime dramatisation of 14-year-old Reena Virk's tragic 1997 murder, with lead roles in the miniseries played by the brilliant Lily Gladstone and Riley Keough.

First and foremost, Under the Bridge deserves enormous credit for not letting Virk's name get lost amid the true crime gloss - you're certainly not going to come away from the series struggling to remember who she is.

The entire cast sings, though it's recent Oscar nominee Gladstone who becomes the easy standout as Cam Bentland, the cop leading the investigation into Virk's murder.

Despite drawing strong acclaim from critics, viewing figures were fairly middling, with early episodes struggling to outpace Netflix's 3 Body Problem and The Gentlemen - two shows which had been out for around a month beforehand.

But the big culprit was likely Netflix's surprise mega-hit Baby Reindeer, which released mere days before Under the Bridge kicked off and basically sucked all the oxygen out of the room for a solid month.

All the same, given the superb performances and importance of its story, Under the Bridge deserves better than an ephemeral moment in the spotlight.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.