10 Best New TV Shows Nobody Is Watching

5. Interview With The Vampire

2024 TV Shows Nobody Is Watching The Sympathizer

Now as you might realise, Interview with the Vampire has actually just wrapped up its second season, so it's not brand new, but it is nevertheless a new-ish series that desperately needs more eyes on it if it's going to survive long-term.

The first season served up an acclaimed remix of Anne Rice's beloved source material, reworking vampiric protagonist Louis de Pointe du Lac as a Black man while amping up the queer themes of Rice's novel which were largely only implied in the 1994 movie.

Ratings were already so-so for the first season, but season two's viewership immediately fell off a cliff, with most episodes struggling to muster half of season one's average viewers.

It's especially disheartening given that season two has received even wider acclaim than the first, and with Rice's source novel being so widely known, it's baffling that this show isn't doing better.

Then again, it is the promotion-allergic AMC at the helm, so not that baffling.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.