10 Best One-Time Characters In Red Dwarf

1. Mr. Flibble

Red Dwarf Legion

The season V episode, 'Quarantine', is among the show's very finest moments, made so in no small part by its hilarious 'guest star'.

Receiving a distress call from a hologrammatic scientist, Dr. Hildegarde Lanstrom, the crew investigate an abandoned research facility. They run into her, who has a holo-virus that grants her psychic abilities at the cost of her lifespan. Before she dies, Rimmed unknowingly contracts the virus from Lanstrom via a telephone call.

Lister, Kryten and the Cat return to the ship only for Rimmer to lock them in quarantine, citing Space Corps Directives in the name of health and safety. In reality, he is quickly losing his sanity, and as he finally goes mad, he appears at the door in a pink gingham dress along with his diabolical sidekick: Mr. Flibble!

The way Rimmer operates this furry penguin hand puppet gives Mr. Flibble almost a life of his own. Referring to his puppet master as "Uncle Arnie", he speaks with a vaguely northern accent and can shoot deadly beams from his eyes.

When Kryten builds a device that expels the virus from Rimmer's body, the evil penguin appears to 'die' with a dramatic little plop. And though he didn't stay long, the evil bow-tied bird will live on in the hearts and minds of Dwarfers forever.

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.