10 Best One-Time Characters In Red Dwarf

3. Camille

Red Dwarf Legion

Series IV of Red Dwarf kicks off with the introduction of Camille, who is first presented to the audience as a female mechanoid of similar design to Kryten. He falls for her instantly, and although she is hesitant, Kryten takes her back to the ship to meet the crew. However...

Camille is a GELF, a genetically engineered life form. Specifically, she is a pleasure GELF, designed to take the form of the beholder's perfect mate. To Lister, she is a punky Scouse woman with similar mannerisms as him. To Rimmer, she is a polite hologram who shares his interest in telegraph poles. And to the famously vain Cat, she is...yep, an exact copy of himself.

Feeling she has misled them and expressing genuine feelings for Kryten, she reveals her true form, which resembles, as Cat so delicately puts it, "something that dropped out of the Sphinx's nose".

Claiming he doesn't care about how she looks, the two spend the day together in a deliberate parody of Casablanca. At the end of the episode, her husband, another of her kind, comes back for her, and despite both of their wishes, Kryten convinces Camille to go with him.

The homage to the 1942 classic plays out brilliantly here, and Camille's shape-shifting nature makes her an intriguing new addition to the Red Dwarf universe.

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.