10 Best Performances In Buffy The Vampire Slayer

9. Juliet Landau - Drusilla

Drusilla Buffy
Mutant Enemy

Like Warren, Drusilla is pure evil. The difference is that she has no soul, no remorse, and simply doesn't care. She likes violence, torture, pain and speaks in riddles. And she's a strong enough villain to take on a Slayer and win (RIP Kendra). All of this and so-much more is carried beautifully, maniacally, by Juliet Landau.

Landau clearly had fun playing Drusilla. A vampire tortured and sired centuries before her Season Two entrance by Angel, Drusilla was once an innocent and helpless young woman. As a vampire, broken in spirit and mind, she's insane and a serious threat.

From her bizarre ramblings to her moments of threat, Landau is just great to watch. Her relationship with Spike (more on him later) is the anchor of her character, giving her someone slightly less crazy to work off and dote on, and her interactions with a soulless Angel make it clear that she's more than just a bit nuts; she's a Big Bad ready to make her mark.

Thanks to Landau, that comes across wonderfully, and fans only wish they could have seen more of her.


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