10 Best Performances In Prison Break

1. Theodore 'T-Bag' Bagwell - Robert Knepper

Prison Break
20th Television

It says a lot about a show, and the audience watching it, when the best character in a series was a racist, inbred psychopath who had done unspeakable things to anything with a pulse.

As Theodore 'Teddy' Bagwell AKA T-Bag, the actor Robert Knepper found within the role a character so intense he'd give the characters of Oz a reason to be scared. An educated serial killer wasn't new to audiences, but where T-Bag really charmed us was with his silver tongue and clever wit.

On occasions in the show, T-Bag's narrative was far more compelling than the brothers' and while he was a psychotic murderer, there was something sympathetic about the role too.

Robert's decision to play T-Bag with a slight swagger made the scrawny racist come off as rather meek and nonthreatening, but when he's crossed the wrong way, Robert snarled and attacked like a Honey Badger.

The accent, the dialogue, the story and the mutilation of the character made T-Bag the show's REAL antagonist (even against The Company) as his personal vendetta against Michael bordered on obsessively lustful. Of all the crazy events and characters that happened in Prison Break, T-Bag was by far the most impactful.

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