10 Best Robin Episodes Of How I Met Your Mother

1. Symphony Of Illumination

How I Met Your Mother Robin Sparkles

Season seven's Symphony of Illumination starts on an interesting note. Rather than opening with Ted's typical narration to his kids, Robin narrates to hers. She tells them the story of how she told their father (Barney) she was pregnant, taking us to the present.

As the episode progresses, Robin learns that she actually wasn't pregnant, and, in fact, cannot have kids. This upsets Robin, although she never wanted kids, and her friends notices that she's acting strangely.

The audience spends the whole episode wondering who Robin is talking to if she can't have children, before she reveals she's imagining her children, and she's been sitting alone on the park bench this whole time.

When Robin returns to the apartment, Ted has set up an elaborate Christmas lights decoration for Robin set to AC/DC music, an inside joke from earlier in the episode, to cheer her up. Robin cries and hugs her friend, feeling much better. This moment celebrates the friendship Robin has with the rest of the cast, and that even though she'll never be a mother, she'll also never be alone.

Anchored by an amazing performance from Cobie Smulders, Symphony of Illumination is the best Robin-centric episode in all of How I Met Your Mother.

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Richard C. Kraus (Richie to pretty much everyone) is an American college student and world record holder for most views of the 2015 film Ant-Man. He aspires to be a screenwriter, actor, and not tired.