10 Best Single TV Seasons Ever
3. Seinfeld - Season 4
Seinfeld is likely the greatest comedy show of all time. Its nine seasons were not entirely flawless, but when Seinfeld was great - which is was 99% of the time - it was comedy TV the likes of which have rarely been seen before or since.
The worst two seasons of Seinfeld were the show's first and last ones, yet the other seven seasons are pretty much all in with a shout when looking to hold up one of the series' years on a pedestal. Just beating out Seinfeld's fifth and seventh years, it's Season Four that gets the nod here.
There's the brilliant arrival of Frank Costanza, there's the possibility that Kramer may actually be a serial killer, there's Kramer setting fire to a cabin upstate, there's Jerry and George's arduous journey to make a TV pilot, and in The Contest this show serves up what could well be be the finest episode of comedy TV ever seen.
Season Four of Seinfeld broke the mould, setting an entirely new benchmark for TV offerings that liked to embrace the more meta elements of their programming.