10 Best Sons Of Anarchy Characters Who Only Appeared In One Episode

3. Kyle Hobart (Brian Van Holt)

Stephen King Sons of Anarchy

Kyle was once a Son of Anarchy and rode with the club, but double-crossed the loveable and trouble Opie in order to cut them out of a deal. Opie covered for him and went to prison for five years, but Kyle was 'politely' asked to leave the club. Several years later, his estranged wife asks if Kyle can attend his son's band playing at a town open day and is grudgingly allowed to do so by the Sons.

Kyle shows up with his new girlfriend (almost young enough to be his daughter), tries to make good with the Sons and offer them the chance at a new job that he's heard about, one that could make them all some cashed. Incensed at his attitude, Opie takes him into the school gym and they engage in an old-fashioned fist-fight to work out their issues. Afterwards, they talk it through, but it become apparent that he hasn't removed or blacked out his SOA tattoos, something that ex-members are forced to do.

The Sons suggest that he comes with them back to their garage, missing his own kid's band play. Kyle says that the kid'll get over it. When there, instead of filling them in on his latest criminal caper, they offer him a simple choice: fire or knife. He chooses fire.

Not sure which was preferable, to be honest.


Still bitter that Star Trek Enterprise got canned and almost old enough to angrily tell the kids to 'Get Off My Lawn!'