10 Best Stand-Up Comedy Specials Of The Last Decade On Netflix
Relationships? Work? Life? Trust these comedians to help you laugh about it...

What a time to be a stand-up comedy fan!
It feels impossible to keep up with the amount of stand-up performances on the world's largest streaming service. Hell, by the time you're reading this article, a new special which should be in this list may well have been released.
With what feels like an endless supply of content, Netflix has stand-up specials for everyone, no matter your taste in humour and these are the very best of the last decade's releases on the platform...
10. Anthony Jeselnik: Thoughts & Prayers

Anthony Jeselnik is the comedian on this list with the darkest sense of humour. Jeselnik seems to have as much fun leaving his audience squirming in their seats as he does making them laugh. With a passion for dead baby jokes, a lack of boundaries and a steady stage persona, Jeselnik's performance in Thoughts & Prayers is offensive and likeable, all at once.
Despite having a niche market- after all, it takes a specific type of humour to laugh at jokes that touch on death, sexism, and terrorism- Jeselnik has a large fan base. There is a tremendously funny contrast between his discomfiting content and the deadpan manner in which he delivers it. Jeselnik is the textbook example of a comedian who is difficult to quote because so much of what makes him funny is his unique delivery.
Jeselnik has talked at length - like in this interview on NPR- about the person he portrays while performing. His egotistical, confidence is exactly the type of presence needed when delivering such politically incorrect jokes. Of course, there is more to Jeselnik than just his stage persona; clever writing, excellent writing, and brilliant use of misdirection puts this special over the top.
Anthony Jeselnik may not be everyone's cup of tea. but his first Netflix special showcases a comedian on the rise. It might be a good idea to watch some of his YouTube clips before you watch Thoughts & Prayers, just so you know what you're getting into.