10 Best Star Wars: The Clone Wars Episodes

1. Carnage Of Krell

Star Wars The Clone Wars Maul Emperor

Season 4's Umbara story arc remains one of the best in all of Clone Wars, and it ends with the single best episode in the whole show.

During a battle in the shadow planet of Umbara, Jedi Master Krell takes over for Anakin as General of the 501st legion. Krell has no regard for the clones, sending them out to die as if they weren't real people. When a few clones turn on him by disobeying orders, even though it means fewer clone loses, he calls for their execution.

The title character of Carnage of Krell reaches his most evil when he tells the clones to fire on Umbarans who have disguised themselves by wearing clone armor. However, it turns out the clones have just been firing at another troop of clones, and Krell has turned them against each other. The clones take on Krell, who plans to defect to the Separatists, in a massive fight which ends in the General's capture.

The episode ends with the single greatest moment in all of Clone Wars. As the clones prepare to execute Krell, he taunts them about their killing their brothers, and Dogma, a clone so addicted to following generals' orders that it became his name, is horrified at the deception. Before any of the clones who actually fought Krell can put him down, a broken Dogma fires the killing shot.

Carnage of Krell shows the value of the clones more than any other episode. They cannot be treated like droids since they are real people. This distinction makes Clone Wars special, since it brings to life characters who are simply killing machines in the movies.

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Richard C. Kraus (Richie to pretty much everyone) is an American college student and world record holder for most views of the 2015 film Ant-Man. He aspires to be a screenwriter, actor, and not tired.