10 Best Stargate SG-1 Guest Performances

1. Emmett Bregman (Saul Rubinek)

Marina Sirtis Stargate

In the season 7 two-parter Heroes, the SGC is invaded by it's most troublesome entity. The documentary film-making crew of Emmett Bregman. He's been granted clearance to make a film about the Stargate program to be shown upon the public learning about it, whenever that might be. He tries to secure interviews with everyone, but Jack O'Neill keeps slipping away from him and he grows increasingly frustrated at the evasiveness of the base personnel. General Hammond reminds him that they are required to co-operate, not enjoy it.

Over the two-parter, we see the SGC from an outsider's perspective as Emmett attempts to get them to open up to the camera, to talk about what they do here. A tragedy strikes while Emmett is there and he tries to document it, solidifying military resentment against his presence. When they try to remove him, his impassioned speech about freedom of the press is not only moving, but vital to the world we live in today. There were news cameras on the beaches of Normandy, he reminds us. His final conversation with Daniel is particularly heart-warming as well.

Eventually, the hostilities die down and Emmett is allowed to make his film, a fitting tribute to all those airmen who have served in the SGC over the years, including that most devastating loss sustained during the episode.

Saul Rubinek is a charismatic actor at the best of times, known for roles in shows like Fraiser, Ink and The Practice. Most would recognise him as Artie Brown from Warehouse 13 (and if you don't know what Warehouse 13 is, you're wasting your life). This guest performance is one of the finest performances of his entire career, as well as easily the best guest star to have graced such a humble show as SG-1.

Thanks, Saul.


Still bitter that Star Trek Enterprise got canned and almost old enough to angrily tell the kids to 'Get Off My Lawn!'