10 Best Stargate SG-1 Guest Performances

3. Khalek (Neil Jackson)

Marina Sirtis Stargate

Neil Jackson has been in a host of shows, most recently Sleepy Hollow, Absentia and Stargirl, but many years before those, he was a jobbing actor on a number of different shows. He managed a guest spot on both Stargate Atlantis as a disguised Wraith in the episode Vegas and also as Khalek in the season nine SG-1 episode Prototype.

Khalek was found in a Goa'uld laboratory and taken back to the SGC for examination, where it was discovered that he had incredible powers, for he was in the process of ascending. Khalek was a clone of Anubis, taken from his original genetic material. If he managed to ascend, then he would be a threat to the galaxy at large.

The best factor of Neil Jackson's performance in this episode is how he was able to portray Khalek getting under Daniel Jackson's skin. Daniel has always had some dark impulses that he keeps very well controlled, but every now and again someone manages to expose them, like a raw nerve. The look on Daniel's face as he guns down Khalek in that last sequence says just how far Khalek was able to push him. This episode was also a great outing for Robert Picardo as Mr. Woolsey, but the day belongs to Neil Jackson's Khalek.


Still bitter that Star Trek Enterprise got canned and almost old enough to angrily tell the kids to 'Get Off My Lawn!'