10 Best TV Episodes Of 2013

8. Breaking Bad - "Blood Money"

The season premiere of Breaking Bad was as good as any episode of television in 2013 at the time. In a way, it's almost too bad that there were seven more episodes of Vince Gilligan's meth masterpiece coming behind it to make people forget. The episode sees Walter White out of the business and trying to get his old life back. He's a sick man physically, and one who's made the choices of a sick man mentally over the course of the past year. Plus there's the little issue of his DEA agent brother-in-law finding out that he's a drug kingpin. The episode sets a torrid pace for the half-season ahead as every main character is in some form of flux , and it closes with a face-to-face between Hank and Walt. Absolute craziness. Why It's On The List: Opening with the return to the future, in which Walt is buying an M60 machine gun in a Denny's bathroom, was a stroke of genius. Seeing a desecrated White home helped too. Then to tear into the story with pure, ruthless aggression instead of playing a needless slow burn sealed the deal. We all knew this show was different, and the premiere showed that, like Walter White himself, it was going to die as it had lived €“ with reckless abandon.

Freelance writer situated on the east coast of Canada. Ten years writing pop culture, sports, news, and anything else that people will read. Follow me on Twitter @matthewjryder!