10 Best TV Shows Of 2023 (So Far)

9. Shrinking

Beef Netflix
Apple TV+

Created and written by star Jason Segel, Shrinking might be the biggest and most welcome surprise of the year, casting the oft-underappreciated funnyman as a therapist whose grief upends his life and pushes him into the lives of his patients.

Equal parts hilarious and profound, Shrinking's earnest and delicate approach to the hardships of loss and mortality is sentimental but never manipulative, balancing its philosophy with healthy heaps of laughter. It's proof, along with another comedy I'll get to in a moment, that the sitcom isn't dead just yet.

The secret weapon of the show, Harrison Ford, is also on career-best form as Segel's aging mentor, a character facing his own impending death with a level of deadpan humour and profound honesty that Ford seems to be having more fun than he's had on-screen in years.

Already renewed for a second season, Shrinking offers a deep look into life for all its joy and pain, and the results so far have been divine.

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Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.