10 Best Venture Bros Episodes

3. Hate Floats

Hate Floats July 2, 2006 Could it be that you were trailing me in a giant, floating cocoon?We€™re going to get our asses kicked. We didn€™t have a breakfast. Out of all four seasons, the second feels most cohesive. Powerless in the Face of Death, the first episode, establishes a new normal for all our characters (thanks in part to an incredible montage). With the second episode, Hate Floats, we re-enter the world of The Venture Bros. proper. Some things are the same, some things are different. For instance, Brock€™s mullet has not yet grown back. Hate Floats is a terrific entry in the Monarch€™s arc. Out of prison and discombobulated, the Monarch is a total mess without his second-in-command. He follows Dr. Girlfriend and Phantom Limb to the mall in an attempt to win Dr. Girlfriend back, and tremendous chaos ensues. Caught up in the insanity are Brock, Doc and the Venture brothers, both of whom are fresh from their clone tanks. This episode shows how developed the supporting cast had become at this point. 21 and 24 get more important, Phantom Limb is outstanding. Structurally, Hate Floats is really neat. After the mall madness, all the characters get mixed up, and we€™re treated to some entertaining unlikely partnerships. Hank and Dean with Dr. Girlfriend. Brock teaming up with Phantom Limb. The humor is strong here, too. 21€™s a capella opening gets me every time, and the gangbangers 21 and 24 recruit are absolutely delightful. Hate Floats feels like a solid piece of an ongoing story, as opposed to standalone chicanery. Along with Powerless in the Face of Death, it made a lot of promises about what we could expect in season two.
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Based in Chicago, Christopher Tucker does what he can to bring a little fun into the world through writing, videos and board games. More of his machinations can be discovered over at Tuckertronik.com. He feels confident that the entirety of his life will be broken into two segments: prior to the finale of Breaking Bad and post Breaking Bad.