10 Best Villains In The Breaking Bad Universe

1. Gus Fring

Hector Salamanca

I know this is a cliche line, but did you HONESTLY expect it to be anyone else?

Not only is Gus the greatest Breaking Bad villain, but he's widely considered to be one of the greatest villains in the history of television.

Gus is a businessman, first and foremost, and he conducts himself as such, regardless of the situation. In the drug world, he's a businessman. In the restaurant world, he's a businessman. He thrives in both worlds, and he wears the same suit -- metaphorically and literally -- in both lines of work. It's just that in one world, he is LITERALLY cutthroat. He always maintains the image of a consummate professional, even when slicing someone's throat with a box-cutter.

It's also strongly implied that Gus is homosexual. That implication is great for two reasons.

One: Gus -- above all else -- is motivated by loss and revenge. He's motivated by love. Oftentimes, that supersedes his business interests, which humanizes him.

Two: A gay man isn't some effeminate punchline. Rather, in a world full of forces to be reckoned with, he is THE force to be reckoned with.

Gustavo Fring: kingpin, businessman, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and lover. A villain for the ages.

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Dustin is your friendly neighborhood historian, nerd culture enthusiast, and professional wise-ass. Some of his favorite pastimes include writing, philosophizing, and antagonizing stupid people.