10 Best Ways To Catch Up On Game Of Thrones

5. Oxford Union Interviews

Game of Thrones Comic

There's nothing quite like one of the most renowned Universities on the planet asking John Snow to demonstrate a killing blow on a student. Okay, that doesn't happen here, but the next best thing certainly does. 

The Oxford Union sits down with David Benioff, D.B. Weiss, Kit Harrington and John Bradley-West, breaking down their experiences filming in hostile climates and how The Double Ds convinced G.R.R. Martin to share his baby with illiterate television owners of the world.

Far more fascinating is the one-on-one with King Joffrey himself, Jack Gleeson, fresh off the spew-covered steps of The Purple Wedding. He shares an incredibly eloquent and insightful address that irreverently speaks to his life as an actor as well as his Game of Thrones experience. 

The latter half of his essay critically dissects the complex, unhealthy relationship between fans and celebrities and his layered perspective on the matter. It's a nuanced subject that young Gleeson handles with impressive articulation. 

Pretty noble stuff for the evil bastard king of incest.


Real Science Magazine called James' addiction to video games "sexually attractive." He also worked really hard and got really lucky in college and earned some awards for acting, improv and stand-up, but nobody cares about that out here in LA. So... He's starting over fresh, performing when He can. His profile picture features James as Serbian, vampire comic Dorde Mehailo with His anonymous Brother and Uncle at the Nerdmelt Showroom in West Hollywood. In James' spare time, he engages in acting, writing, athletics, hydration, hours of great pondering and generally wishing you'd like him.