10 Biggest TV Controversies Of 2023

5. Resuming Production During The Writers' Strike - The Drew Barrymore Show

Secret Invasion

The Drew Barrymore Show has aired more than 700 episodes since debuting in 2020, and though a Drew Barrymore-fronted talk show might seem like the least-controversial thing imaginable, she came under intense scrutiny for her conduct during the Writers Guild of America strike.

This past September, four months into the strike, Barrymore decided to cross the WGA picket line and resume production on the series without writers.

Though Barrymore, as the host and not a writer, had no obligation to honour the strike, many saw it as unsupportive of crucial industry action, causing her to be lambasted on social media. WGA members consequently decided to picket the show as it resumed filming, and it was reported that audience members showing support for the WGA were even removed from the studio.

Amid the criticism, Barrymore ultimately decided to suspend production until the strike was concluded, which it was by the end of September, with the talk show resuming in mid-October.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.