10 Biggest TV Game Show Cheats Ever

10. Adriana Abenia

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugYRFDjvDSc Game Show: Pasapalabra Winnings: N/A Adriana Abenia is a model, notable for appearing on the front cover of FHM, who was caught cheating on a light-hearted game show in Spain. During her appearance on Pasapalabra, the contestants had to correctly state the title and artists of several played songs. Abenia claims that she was embarrassed by her lack of musical knowledge, admitting during recording that she had her phone hidden between her legs. On the phone was an app called Shazam, which is able to identify songs as they're played. Unlike many of the other entries on the list, this was not considered a serious incident, with fellow contestants and the audience laughing it off. "To be honest," stated host Christian Galvez, "I think she deserves a special prize anyway because in seven years of organising this TV contest, nobody has ever done anything like this and certainly not quite as brazenly."

Tom Butler hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.