10 Biggest TV Game Show Cheats Ever

4. Fox Studios

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fk7IihJCkSM Game Show: Million Dollar Money Drop Winnings: $800,000 In an another reversal of the usual 'cheating contestant', couple Gabe Okoye and Brittany Mayi had $800,000 questionably taken from them on the short-lived Million Dollar Money Drop. In the show, contestants had to divide their money among three different trapdoors, each with a different answer. The idea was that you would keep any money placed on the winner, but have to watch the cash disappear into the abyss if placed on an incorrect answer. Okoye and Mayi were faced with three options: Macintosh Computer, Sony Walkman and Post-It Notes. The question was simply, "Which of these was sold in stores first?" After some arguing, the couple placed $800,000 of their $1,000,000 on Post-It Notes, only to lose it after Sony Walkman was revealed as the correct answer. However, after the episode aired, the producers were informed that the Post-It Note had actually been test-marketed in certain cities before the Sony Walkman. Instead of admitting their mistake and offering back the money, the producers told the couple they could return on a later episode. Unfortunately, the show was cancelled before that could happen. Nice one, Fox.

Tom Butler hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.