10 Biggest WTF Moments From Star Trek: The Next Generation

3. The Bridge Crew Speaking Over Deanna

star trek the next generation in theory lieutenant van mayter
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

In the episode The Child, Deanna Troi suddenly became pregnant with an alien entity that wanted to experience being born, living, and dying as a humanoid. The entity (eventually named Ian) went from conception, to birth, to childhood in only a couple days.

This would've been horrific enough for Deanna on its own, but the crew's reaction to the news was actually pretty awful too. Picard assembled a meeting of the senior crew to discuss Deanna's sudden pregnancy, and they all began debating what to do with her child without even asking what she wanted. Worf asserted that the pregnancy should be terminated, lest it pose a threat to the ship and crew, whereas Data argued to let the pregnancy progress simply so they could study the lifeform. While they debated what to do with Troi's child, she became quiet and visibly uncomfortable, before eventually speaking up for herself, explaining that what everyone else wanted was irrelevant. She wanted to go through with the pregnancy, despite how unexpected it was.

Of course, Picard defended Deanna's decision as her own, but it's still strange that the senior staff would debate what to do with Troi's unborn child in front of her, without even asking her opinion.

This whole episode screams WTF, but this moment in particular was pretty bad.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.