10 Biggest WTF Moments From Star Trek: Voyager

3. The Entirety Of Elogium

10 biggest wtf moments from star trek: voyager
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

The most jaw-droppingly absurd episode of Voyager is probably Elogium.

It all started when Voyager got stuck in a swarm of space-dwelling alien lifeforms. Hilariously, the lifeforms mistook the ship's warp signature for the pheromones of a potential mate. The aliens became sexually attracted to Voyager and attached themselves to the ship's hull.

Later, the ship was knocked by a larger lifeform, thought to be a different sex from the others. The crew tried to fight back by ramming into it, but when this was unsuccessful, Chakotay suggested trying to behave in a 'submissive way' to show the large alien that they were not a sexual rival. The ship then flipped over and vented plasma to simulate the pheromones of the smaller aliens instead. It should come as no surprise that the episode's plot was approved by Brannon Braga mainly because he laughed at the idea of having Tuvok say 'It appears we have lost our sex appeal, captain.'

Plus, while all this was going on, the energy from the alien swarm caused Kes to go through her 'elogium', a kind of Ocampan puberty, where the body became ready to have a child. The elogium only comes once in an Ocampan's life, so Neelix and Kes were forced to decide whether or not to have a kid. Her 'condition' also caused her to eat dirt, insects, and massive amounts of mashed potatoes, formed a 'birthing growth' on her back for her offspring to grow in, and gave her scary yellow eyes and intense paranoia. We then got to learn way too much about Ocampan mating practices, and let's also not forget that Kes wasn't even two years old in this episode. Yes, Ocampans live only for about nine years, ageing much faster than Humans, but her and Neelix's relationship is still super uncomfortable to watch.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.