10 Other Breaking Bad Characters Who Should Get A Spin-Off

4. Wendy

If you want proof-positive that drugs are bad mmkay, Breaking Bad truly has you covered. Jesse€™s ongoing habit was bad enough, but drugs €“ with a little help from his friend Mr White €“ also caused the death of his girlfriend Jane. Jesse and Jane, however, were paragons of healthy living compared to Spooge and the imaginatively named Spooge€™s Woman, who took centre stage in Peekaboo €“ a Season 2 episode that was heartbreaking due to the presence of their criminally neglected son and headbreaking courtesy of an ATM machine. Hank, no stranger to the drawbacks of drug abuse, once attempted to scare his nephew Flynn straight after Skyler suspected that her darling son was smoking the marijuana, but it€™s fair to say it didn€™t pan out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haUz1ib_jhc Despite only featuring in a handful of episodes, Wendy €“ the hooker with a heart of gold €“ certainly made an impression in her brief appearances, and not just because of her killer smile. The root-beer-loving Crossroads Motel mascot somewhat surprisingly proved herself to be one of the show€™s more scrupulous souls, providing Jesse with a cast-iron alibi and also reluctantly agreeing to help him take vengeance on some bottom-feeding drug dealers by serving them ricin burgers. The brilliant two-minute opening to Season 3 episode Half Measures was a look at Wendy€™s existence in microcosm and, much as it might leave a bad taste in the mouth, a spin-off could be interesting. Already has a theme tune and credits sequence, too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cm-Li_yL03U
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