10 Buffy The Vampire Slayer Episodes Everyone Remembers For ONE Awesome Scene

8. Lessons - The First's Transformation

Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Mutant Enemy Productions

Season seven's opening episode, Lessons, sets up the final run for Buffy in many ways - the Hellmouth high school re-opening, Willow reigning in her powers, the murder of young women by mysterious figures in far-off countries - but none of these moments make such purely awesome and essential viewing as its closing scene.

Spike, having gone a little mad since his re-ensoulment, has taken up residence in the Sunnydale High basement and is being haunted by a number of spectres, including Warren Mears, the previous season's skinless meat-free chicken (and leader of The Trio).

Unbeknownst to Spike, his visions are The First Evil - the biggest bad, last seen trying to get Angel to top himself in season three's Amends. The First delivers a speech to Spike about its plans for him, Buffy and Sunnydale, taking the form of all of the show's Big Bads and morphing through them in reverse order: first Warren, then Glory, Adam, The Mayor, Drusilla, The Master and, finally, Buffy herself.

These are the moments that make it all worth it, and this one strikes a perfect tone of foreboding, sets up the season's bad guy, and manages to provide tribute to the rest of the show without once feeling like fan service.


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