10 Buffy The Vampire Slayer Episodes Everyone Remembers For ONE Awesome Scene

2. Graduation Day, Part Two - Blowing Up Sunnydale High

Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Mutant Enemy Productions

Season three's concluding episode doesn't let up from the get go, picking up from Part One, where Faith's apparent death has doomed either Buffy or Angel and paved the way for Mayor Richard Wilkins' ascension.

While any sequence in this episode might be considered gold-standard for the ol' grey matter's vaults, it is the climactic, penultimate scene that really sits on the brain.

With the sun blocked out of the sky, the school under siege, a battle raging for the students' lives and The Mayor ascended to giant snake form, Buffy taunts the big guy (literally) with Faith's knife in order to lure him away from the fray.

The battle is epic and the stakes as high as they have ever been, but it is this last moment, as Buffy leads The Mayor on a merry chase through the high school in his new demonic form, that inspires awe and brings a fitting conclusion to this Big Bad and, uhh, all of Sunnydale High.

The beloved library - home to many of the hijinks of the last three years - has been loaded with explosives, and Buffy leads The Mayor straight to them before diving through the window onto the lawn where Giles waits with the detonator. One plunge and a "Well, gosh!" from The Mayor later, and the whole building goes up and then comes down on top of him.


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