10 Catchiest TV Theme Songs

1. Friends

The moment that you hear those opening riffs of The Rembrandts' 'I'll Be There For You', you probably find yourself fighting the urge to announce how no one told you life was gonna be this way. Yes, the Friends theme song is, without question, the catchiest TV opening theme of all time, and it's made that much more perfect by just how well it represents the show.

With its upbeat lyrics, this catchy composition is so well-matched to the show that each season's intro titles have an abundance of clips to match them and it's hard not to smile every time it launches into the chorus... or y'know clap along at that moment... you know which one.

A nostalgic piece that sums the idea of friendship up to perfection, 'I'll Be There For You' isn't just the most catchy theme on this list... it's the most iconic.


Which TV theme song do you find the catchiest? For more, check out our list of the 25 best superhero TV shows.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.