10 Catchiest TV Theme Songs

3. Cheers

Cheers is a show that often inspires feelings of warmth and nostalgia, and you won't find a clearer example of that than the uplifting opening theme 'Where Everybody Knows Your Name.'

The fourth attempt to produce a song for the show, songwriters Gary Portnoy (who ultimately performed the classic theme) and Judy Hart Angelo worked very hard in their bid to come up with something that the Charles brothers felt captured the essence of Cheers. And thank goodness they did, because 'Where Everybody Knows Your Name' is nothing short of perfection.

Light on instruments and powerful on vocals (the chorus consisted of six vocals from Portnoy blended together to give it that choir sound), the nostalgic song's piano melody beautifully catches everything that the show stands for, as if by magic it just outright asks viewers if they want to drop what they're doing and head down the road to the old friendly bar known as Cheers.

Cheers is rightfully listed among the greatest TV shows of all time, but make no mistake about it, the perfect package that it was owes a great deal to its beautiful theme song. In fact, you could say it's one of the many reasons why everybody knows its name.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.