3. Mirror Master
One can reflect awhile on Mirror Masters confrontations with the Flash (sorry, I had to do it). Although there have been two men to take on the Mirror Master identity, it was the first man who was responsible for creating the technology. Sam Scudder was a regular criminal who adapted his love of mirrors into weapons. Although he uses holograms and other illusion-casting devices in his heists, his most notable feature is using mirrors to travel through other dimensions. After realizing his goal of getting inside the reflection of a mirror using a mysterious metal, Scudder is able to use any reflective surface to travel through the Mirror World to reappear somewhere else in the real world. Hes also capable of trapping people inside glass. In the New 52, Scudder merged with his mirror gun after being exposed to Captain Colds machine and was trapped in the Mirror World for a while, although he recently escaped in Forever Evil. Mirror Masters powers could look very cool in a TV series. Even though shows typically have lower budgets than movies, the mirror effects are easy enough to accomplish, and Id really like to see how they pull off his holograms and mirror travel. The problem would be the amount of energy needed for his weapons to work. Perhaps the energy wave unleashed by the Central City particle accelerator was somehow contained, and this is the energy source Mirror Master uses as his power sources. Mostly, I just want to see an episode where he traps Flash in the Mirror World and Barry has to figure out how to escape.