10 Characters That Could Appear In The Arrowverse

6. Batman Beyond

Arrow Onomatopoeia

Show: Legends of Tomorrow

In Season 1 of Legend's of Tomorrow Rip Hunter stated that he has "seen Dark Knights fall" and in an episode of Arrow Oliver Queen name dropped Bruce Wayne. If these don't confirm the existence of Batman in the Arrowverse, then not much else will.

Rip didn't say that The Dark Knight had died, so it's possible Bruce just physically could not be Batman anymore. Terry McGuiness, aka Batman Beyond, is The Batman of the future, and that is something that The Legends have barely explored. Much like what had happened in Season 1 when they were forced to go to Star City in 2046, The Legends could get stranded somewhere in Gotham around the year 2050 and run into the new Batman.

McGuiness would be a great character to have on Legends as he has a personality similar to Wally, street savvy like Mick, resourceful like Nate, and can match Sara in hand-to-hand combat. His character would mesh well with all of The Legends and help expand the Arrowverse lore even further. Much like how Jonah Hex is the Legends ally for the western days, McGuiness would be a great ally to have for their future expeditions, and it would be foolish of The CW to think otherwise.


My name is Blake Whitehouse and I am a 24 year old from Indiana in the United States. My love of Star Wars, DC Comics, Pokémon, and video games have led me to where I am in life.