10 Characters Who Must Return For 24: Live Another Day

7. Chase Edmunds

24 James Badge Dale Chase first appeared in the third season of the show as Jack's new partner, who also happened to be dating his daughter, Kim. When Jack finds out, he's not pleased, creating plenty of uneasy tension throughout the day as the two try to work together to prevent the release of the Cordilla virus. Chase himself has to deal with further drama when he informs Kim that he has a daughter, Angela, from a prior relationship, and this is all before he ends up sacrificing his hand in the line of duty to prevent the virus spreading (a canister of it ends up attached to his hand). We later find out that Chase quit CTU to work security, and that he lived with Kim and his daughter until Jack faked his own death in season 4, and Chase couldn't handle Kim's grief. DVD materials for season six also state that Chase and Angela were still living in Valencia when the bomb exploded, which implies - though doesn't outright say - that they may have died in the blast or the radiation. This one needs to be wrapped up for good; bring him back to help Jack save the day! Given how James Badge Dale's movie career has taken off, however, don't count on it.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.