10 Classic Cartoon Network Shows They Need To Revive

3. Johnny Bravo

jb Johnny Bravo was the male version of the "dumb blonde" stereotype. He was hopelessly chasing every female he laid his eyes on which often resulted in him getting beat to a pulp by them- in which after he would utter his catchphrase "wooahh momma." Which leads us on to the fact that he was a hopeless momma's boy. She knows of his womanizing and because of this, she doesn't take his problems as seriously as he would like. He is known for his signature sunglasses and huge blonde hair, along with his Elvis like voice. Looking back on Johnny Bravo now- the majority of the male population can either say they have tried to pick up a girl as unsuccessfully as Johnny, or at least know a friend who acts exactly like him.
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Daniel McMurtry is a video game and film enthusiast from Belfast, Northern Ireland. He is currently studying media at college and also dabbles in film making. You can follow him on Twitter at www.twitter.com/DanielMcMurtry