10 Confusing TV Show Questions We Still Don't Understand

4. Why Did Future Matt Tell Present Matt To Go Back? - Primeval

TV Show Mysteries Twin Peaks

As far as frustrating cliffhangers go, this one is right up there. Primeval told the story of a team of scientists investigating anomalies that allow creatures from different time periods to enter and wreak havoc on the present.

After five seasons of battling temporal phenomenon and secret terrorist plots, the group take on their biggest challenge in the form of ‘New Dawn’. In the end, they are able to close this anomaly and save the day. With everything appearing to be normal, and Connor and Abby set to get married, it seems like the show is headed for a feel-good ending.

This wasn't to be, though. The very last scene sees the team head off to deal with a new anomaly. This is when Matt meets his own future self. Looking worse for wear, future Matt tells his younger self that he must go back. Did he mean Matt must go back to where the New Dawn was? Or did he intend for his younger version to go back in time? From where we're currently standing, it looks like we'll never know for sure.

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Twin Peaks
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After battling Galactus and pinning Hulk Hogan in the main event of Wrestlemania, I've taken a break from living in fantasy worlds, to focus on writing about them. I'm a comic book geek, a wrestling mark, a break dancer, and a scientist. One of those things may not be true.