10 Craziest Friends Characters

6. Tommy

In 'The One With The Screamer', Tommy (Ben Stiller) is the screamer; a new boyfriend in Rachel€™s life who furiously overreacts in minor situations. Rachel, however, is kept in the dark to this side of him due to the nothing but pleasant front he puts on around her. After publically yelling at an old couple for accidentally sitting in the wrong seats at the cinema and unleashing a tirade of abuse at Ross for spilling hot coffee over him outside of Central Perk, both conveniently not in the presence of Rachel, she finally ends the relationship with him when she discovers him frantically screaming at Chandler and Joey€™s chick for excreting in his hand. Craziest Moment "Hot coffee!?!?" After Ross describes the events that unfolded at the cinema in an attempt to get Rachel to realise that Tommy isn't everything she thinks he is, he accidentally bumps into him outside of Central Perk. Tommy screams at Ross for spilling (not just coffee, but) hot coffee over him whilst the rest of the group sit inside Central Perk, oblivious to the incident occurring outside. Following this, Tommy then gleefully walks inside to meet Rachel and charmingly reveals that his favourite thing about summer is the smell of freshly cut grass.

Steven Bardgett hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.