10 Craziest Moments From American Horror Story: Freak Show

3. Chester's Relationship With Marjorie

Chester is one really weird dude, and a pretty bad ventriloquist. Although his sawing skills are on point... Chester and Marjorie have a warped, twisted and psychotic relationship because he practically uses the doll to display his alternate personality, which is why Marjorie can control him and guide him. Although he can appear to other characters as being a confident, sane individual who just happens to love his doll, he's completely bat sh*t crazy. However, his craziest act (apart from sawing Maggie in half) is probably when he lashes out at Marjorie and then turns himself into the police, admitting the murder. Viewers assume that he will take the blame for killing Maggie or even his ex wife and her bisexual lover, but no. He breaks down to the police confessing that he killed his doll. Wow.

Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com